Friday 23 August 2024The Microbiome: Revolutionizing Human, Animal, and Food Industry Health through Bioinformatics.The microbiome, composed of trillions of microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and archaea, plays a key role in the biological processes of various environments. Whether in the human gut, the intestinal flora of animals, or the microbial ecosystems present in food, these microscopic communities profoundly and often unexpectedly influence health, well-being, and productivity... |
Friday 9 December 2022Biomanda renews it CIR approvalOur company Biomanda has received its renewal as a CIR approved private research organization
(Crédit Impôt Recherche) from the French Ministry of Researchfor the years 2023 to 2027. |
Friday 19 March 2021Tribute to Prof. Richard ChristenIt is with great sadness that we inform you of the death of Prof. Richard Christen. He was a brilliant scientist,
passionate about his job, DNA decryption and analysis of the microbial world. |
Thursday 07 May 2020Evolutionary study of covid-19 strains and their close relativesHumanity is currently facing a major health crisis whose political, economic and social repercussions are likely to be long and serious. However, our species has known in the distant past, a much more serious pandemic, the black plague, which led to the extinction of 2/3 of the European population. Our technological level and our knowledge allow us today to face, if they are used in an optimal way of course. The post-world will have to understand that against natural crises, the solutions will always come from R&D and knowledge. The better we know and the better we will master the next challenges we will face. To do this, we will have to make choices about the use of our financial resources and prioritize the essential over the entertainment. In order to shed light on the situation of Covid-19, we performed a phylogenetic analysis of the strains of covid-19 and their close relatives available in scientific databases. |
Monday 02 December 2019Launch of a R&D project on autismToday knowledge about the autistic population has progressed a lot. It is widely accepted that these characteristics are mainly driven by genetic criteria, even if a part of environmental factors in utero can intervene in this atypical cerebral maturation. Because identifying a fringe of this population remains complex at the age of 1 to 2 years, we wish to develop a genetic characterization method based on the complete sequencing of the human genome. |
Friday 29 November 2019Biomanda renews it CIR approvalOur company Biomanda has received its renewal as a CIR approved private research organization
(Crédit Impôt Recherche) from the French Ministry of Researchfor the years 2020 to 2022. |
Monday 30 September 2019Invitation to the training of the Toulon Doctoral SchoolAs part of our partnership with Réseau Entreprendre, we were asked to present our feedback experience on business creation and the Biomanda project. I thank Christophe Boureau and Anna Cipière for this invitation to the Doctoriales. |
Wednesday 27 March 2019Acquisition of a new calculation serverAfter 5 years of activity, we are expanding our IT infrastructure with a new computing server dedicated to our R&D needs.
With a capacity of 20 cores and 128 GB of RAM, it will allow us to generate high quality reference databases, which
are indispensable in the processing of the requests of our customers. The system runs on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, a very versatile OS
for scientific calculations and adapted to compliance with the quality rules of companies. |
Wednesday 19 December 2018Happy New YearWe wish you a happy new year and a very successful New Year 2019 coming up.
We thank all our customers for their trust! |
Monday 17 September 2018Core genome and accessory genomeSince 2010 and the improvement of sequencing methods, genomics is booming.
The acquisition of new genetic data has led to a better understanding of biological functions,
to discover many genes and new genetic structures but also to highlight
inconsistencies between genetics and traditional taxonomic classification. So a new notion
has been introduced: the core genome and the accessory genome. |
Thursday 28 June 2018Metagenomics and metageneticsMetagenomics is the study of all genetic information contained in an environment
(hence the Greek prefix meta). The environmental DNA is first extracted and then sequenced for analysis.
It differs from metagenetics, which allows the identification of the taxa present in a sample.
Here a genetic marker is targeted within the environmental DNA to be sequenced and associated with a reference taxon ....
Wednesday 07 March 2018Genomics Applications in food sectorThe genome is the set of DNA molecules in a cell. These molecules belong to different structures: chromosome,
plasmid and viruses. The understanding and the analysis of the genomes, the genomics, makes it possible to list the whole
biological functions of an organism and to carry out complex phylogenetic studies. Genomics and bioinformatics
have several applications in the field of agro-food ... |
Tuesday 20 December 2017Metagenomics : applications and perspectivesMetagenomics is a method which consists in decrypting all the genomes contained in an environment. This approach is the Holy Grail of the biologist and will allow us to explore in the most exhaustive and complete way the microbial and viral universe of a sample |
Thursday 02 June 2016Prediction of miRNA-disease associations with a vector space modelMicroRNAs play critical roles in many physiological processes. Their dysregulations are also closely related to the development and
progression of various human diseases, including cancer. Therefore, identifying new microRNAs that are associated with diseases
contributes to a better understanding of pathogenicity mechanisms. MicroRNAs also represent a tremendous opportunity in biotechnology
for early diagnosis. To date, several in silico methods have been developed to address the issue of microRNA-disease association prediction.
However, these methods have various limitations. In this study, we investigate... |
Monday 03 July 2017Biomanda renews it CIR approvalOur company Biomanda has received its renewal as a CIR approved private research organization
(Crédit Impôt Recherche) from the French Ministry of Researchfor the years 2020 to 2022. |
Wednesday 21 June 2017A new web page for the MiRAI Project
The MiRAI project has reached a new step in term of prediction accuracy with the use of Evolutionary Algorithms. The contribution of the expert
Denis Pallez, who has joined the adventure in 2016, allows to improve the tuning of MiRAI with a increase of 32% of performance.
Thrusday 11 May 2017After-Work Réseau Entreprendre Var - C2CARE
We thank Romain Streichemberger and Pierre Gadea for introducing us to their company and the
virtual reality applied to medicine. |
Friday 17 March 2017The place of genomics in the future medicineGenomics is an area of biology that involves the study of the entire genome (genetic information) of an organism. His goal is to read all of this information and then decode it to find out how it works. It is applied in microbiology for understand for example the pathogenicity of a strain or in agronomy in the context of the improvement of domesticated species. In humans, there are many applications in medicine, history, the humanities and the justice sector. |
Friday 17 February 2017End of accompaniment with Réseau EntreprendreWe would like to thank the team Réseau Entreprendre, Christophe and Cindy, for their support and follow-up of our business project. The Lauréat clubs were an excellent time to share around the central problems of the entrepreneur but also the possibility of discovering other industrial activities (metallurgy, journalism, energy, tourism, etc.). |
Monday 19 December 2016The Biomanda team wishes you a merry Christmas!The year 2016 is already over. Despite the disastrous events that have hit our country, we want to keep
the hope and optimism that characterize start-ups! We wish you a very good family holiday and all the best for this new year 2017! |
Thrusday 24 November 2016Our research project on micro-RNAs continues in 2017 After the success of the first research campaign, we are continuing our efforts towards the prediction of associations in micro-RNAs.
The project is in collaboration with the team of Dr. Claude Pasquier of the I3S in Sophia Antipolis. |
Mardi 27 September 2016Genomics: Best combinations between wet and dry biologyWith the advances of next generation sequencing, bacterial genomics is currently booming.
It allows exploring the genetic diversity of isolates from a bacterial population, identifying
characteristic functions of pan genomes and doing microbial source tracking. ... |
Tuesday 20 August 2016Viruses OriginInteresting publication of Harish et al. on the origin of viruses according to the scenarios from Wessner et al. 2010. The work presents
the problem of robust phylogenetic constructions and rooting of a recent publication on the subject. |
Tuesday 19 July 2016Club des incubésExcellent evening exchanges around the problems of entrepreneurship in France and the life of the startup. Feedback experiences from
CEOs John Riondel ( MiniGreenPower ) and Edouard Le Goff ( Kinaxia ).
Monday 11 July 2016BIOREZO "Companies of French riviera have innovations in the skin!"Eurobiomed cluster meeting on innovations in the area of the skin. Program: tissue engineering, medical image analysis for easy
decision in the diagnosis, remote consultations and new-generation bandages.
Tuesday 05 July 2016France/China meetings in Sophia AntipolisWe participated in the meetings between the delegation of the Chengdu region and French companies, held by Enterprise Europe Network . It was the opportunity to meet several Chinese biotechnology companies and realize
interesting discussions around the new biology needs.
Thursday 02 June 2016Prediction of miRNA-disease associations with a vector space modelMicroRNAs play critical roles in many physiological processes. Their dysregulations are also closely related to the development and
progression of various human diseases, including cancer. Therefore, identifying new microRNAs that are associated with diseases
contributes to a better understanding of pathogenicity mechanisms. MicroRNAs also represent a tremendous opportunity in biotechnology
for early diagnosis. To date, several in silico methods have been developed to address the issue of microRNA-disease association prediction.
However, these methods have various limitations. In this study, we investigate... |
Monday 5th October 2015Biomanda celebrates 2 years!
For two years now that Biomanda helps companies and public institutions in their
biological problems by offering innovative and customized bioinformatics solutions. |
Thursday 1st October 2015"Au coeur de la bioinformatique", Métropole Var
Biomanda had the honor to appear in the Var Métropole number 200th in the category
100 people from Var that will make tomorrow. |
Lundi 27 juillet 2015Les bactériophages, fléaux ou opportunités ?Les bactériophages sont des virus dont le tropisme est orienté sur les Bactéries ou les Archaea. Il représente un ensemble d’espèces très diversifié puisqu’à l’état actuel des connaissances, plusieurs espèces de phages ont été répertoriées pour une même espèce de bactérie. Les phages sont divisés en 18 familles : ... Pour plus d'information : Voir l'article |
Monday 29th June 2015Why and when to use bioinformatics services?
The advances in molecular biology has created new needs and new constraints in biology
(data storage, modeling and analysis of massive data, etc.).
To meet these challenges that are specific to biology, the field of bioinformatics has . . .
Monday 1st June 2015« Expert in next-generation bioinformatics »Traditional descriptive biology is currently undergoing technological transformation,
making room for DNA-based molecular biology. A few years ago, this significant evolution
lead to the appearance of bioinformatics, inspiring Julien Gardès to found Biomanda in
Sophia Antipolis in 2013. |
Tuesday 12th May 2015Biomanda, Training center.Since May 1st, Biomanda is registred as training center (N°93.06.07568.06)
with the regional prefect of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur.
This registration does not imply approval of the State.
We offer training on introducing bioinformatics and evolution of molecular
biological methods to support lab teams in their technological transitions. |
Thursday 23th April 2015Biomanda belongs to TerraliaAs part of its development strategy in the food sector, Biomanda joined the network Terralia.
Our company will bring its expertise to the network Terralia in the emerging field of
DNA technologies and bioinformatics to meet the new challenges of the industry
(contaminants, quality, R & D, probiotics, etc.). |
Thurday 12th March 2015Interview - Les Petites AffichesCoup pouce jeunes pousses #4 : BIOMANDA |
Friday 5th december 2014In vitro diagnostic tests & emergents |
From Monday 1st to Thrusday 4th September 2014Biomanda participates at Food Micro 2014Biomanda will be present at the event Food Micro 2014 in Nantes and will show a poster on the evaluation
of PCR primers used to detect Vibrio cholerae. The study covers the publications from the 80s to today. |
Tuesday 17 June 2014Biomanda participates in BiorezoBiomanda will participate in the Biorezo event of the Eurobiomed competitiveness cluster in TxCell premises in Sophia Antipolis. During this evening, TxCell will present its experience: the successful IPO of a business model economically viable personalized cell immunotherapy. We will also have the opportunity to make a presentation of our activities. More information: |
Tuesday 10 June 2014Biomanda obtains CIR approvalBiomanda is now a CIR (Crédit Impôt Recherche) approved private research organization from the French Ministry of Research for the years 2014 to 2016. Contact us for your bioinformatics needs, in particular in our preferred fields: verification / improvement / design of organism detection system, new generation biodiversity study and data-mining in biology. |
Thursday 22 May 2014Biomanda, Young Innovative CompanyBiomanda has obtained its Young Innovative Company certificate from the French Ministry of Research. |
Wednesday 21th et Thursday 22th May 2014Biomanda participates at HydrogaïaMeet us at Montpellier during the event Hydrogaïa. Anticipate an appointment with the Pro'Hydro plateform. |
Friday 14th March 2014Biomanda belongs to Pôle EauBiomanda belongs to the international cluster Pôle Eau. |
Monday 16th December 2013Biomanda belongs to Unice Club EntrepreneurBiomanda belongs to Unice Club Entrepreneur. |
Monday 16th December 2013Biomanda belongs to Incubateur PACA-EstBiomanda can now enjoy the dynamism and valuable advices of Incubateur PACA-Est in its development. Since December 2013, our company
is supported and funded by this fundation. |
Monday 9th December 2013Biomanda participates at BiomInnovMeet us in Paris at Biocitech park on the stand of our partner Ceeram
to discover our offers and services. |
Tuesday 3rd December 2013Biomanda participates at the Gala of the UNICE foundationAt the university of Nice, Valrose Castle. |
Thursday 26th September 2013Biomanda participated to Startup FactoryOn September 26th, 2013,
Biomanda took part to the Startup Factory event meant to discover new innovative projects
for the professionals of Sophia Antipolis. |
Monday 16th September 2013The new website of BiomandaCheck out our new website and our offerings in bioinformatics detection and in study of biodiversity. |
Stay connected with our RSS feedMonday 16th September 2013A simple and effective way to follow Biomanda's news. |
Monday 15th July 20132nd award of the Foundation Unice
Biomanda got the second award of the call for projects 2013 of the foundation UNICE in the category "Innovatoin, Research and Development". |