
Biodiversity study.

Your Next-Gen biodiversity studies!


Limits of old methods

Cell cultures

culture cellulaire
  • Detection of less than 1% of the global microbial biodiversity [1]
  • Favoring species with high fitness for culture media.
  • Low level of discrimination and information

[1] : Hugenholtz, P., Goebel, B.M., and Pace, N.R. (1998). Impact of Culture-Independent Studies on the Emerging Phylogenetic View of Bacterial Diversity. J. Bacteriol. 180, 4765–4774.

DNA chip

puce ADN
  • Approach with a priori
  • Limited level of reproducibility due to hybridization conditions

Biomanda's solution



* : Next Generation Sequencing




Exhaustive and without a priori, the most powerful methodology of its time.

Biomanda's strenghts

1- Advice on the choice of sampling and analysis methods.

Making the best strategy and information on contamination risks.

2- Research, selection and improvement of the PCR primers used to detect microorganisms.

Maximal detection methods

3- Independent verification of the quality of molecular biology steps.
(amplification et sequencing)

Consistent quality analysis

4- A quick and full analysis with the latest advances in data processing.

Reliable results

5- Graphs and tables directly usable for your communications.

Turnkey solutions
